Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lexi - Then and Now

Here is a side by side of Lexi when she was 19 months old and now at 4 years old.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lilli - 18 months

Lilli has recently turned 18months and is making some great headway developmentally. She is getting so close to walking all by herself that she now walks about 15 or so steps without any assistance :) We are so proud of her. She is still a tiny gal, as she weighs 18 pounds and is 28 inches long. She looks like a baby doll when she is toddeling around, it is so cute!

Her vocabulary is starting to expand as well. Aside from Mama and Dadda, she says: Milk, Missy, PopPop, Grandma, Cat, Ball, and Book. She has learned to sign basic needs to easily communicate with us too. These include: More, All Done, Potty, Drink, Eat, Bath, Play, and Bye Bye. She uses all of these signs on a daily basis.

Lilli loves to eat all the types of food that we eat, and refuses to eat baby food now. She is doing a great job mastering how to use a fork and spoon. She is very insistent on feeding herself. It is messy, but I love giving her a sense of independence. She has just about given up the bottle, as she prefers to drink from sippy cups. She also likes to try to drink from a regular cup.

Her bladder control is getting better, so she stays drier longer now. Now that she knows how to communicate "potty" she is getting good at sensing when she has to go and lets me know. She enoys sitting on the potty. Some days, she is more interested than others, but it's a start :)

Lilli LOVES her big sister and looks up to her. They get a long very well and are very loving towards each other. I think Lexi helps encourage Lilli to try new things, this is why some things have been a bit faster with her. Both girls still sleep in bed with us and it is so cute to watch them sleep so close to another. They love to sleep snuggled up with each other. I look forward to waking up each morning to the two of them next to us.

WOW, what busy little girls :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!
I am thankful to be a Mom to these two beautiful girls.

Lilli's new thing to do while we drive!

Lill's new favorite thing to do while we drive: