Over the weekend we went to the NICU to take Christmas pictures with the family. Daddy found the perfect Christmas photo prop to use as our background. Mommy dressed Lilli and me in our Christmas dresses. I wore the same dress when I was a baby that Lilli wore for the pictures.
It is our family tradition to put up our Christmas tree the weekend of Thanksgiving. I have been so excited this week to decorate. I had a lot of fun decorating the Christmas tree with all the pretty ornaments.
My baby sister Lillianna Kaitlin was born on November 11 2008. She surprised us and came 10 weeks early. She is little just like I was when I came early, she weighed 3lbs 5 oz at birth. I got to visit her over the weekend. She knew I was there because she opened her eyes when she heard me talk.
Saturday November 8th was my third birthday! It was such an exciting day and I have been looking forward to it for a couple of weeks now. I had a super birthday party that I got to share with my family and friends. Stay tuned for some pictures from the party :)
Lexi and Lilli are two beautiful girls who both came to this world 9 & 10 weeks early on November 8, 2005 & November 11 2008. They were both teeny tiny babies, weighing only about 3 pounds each. They were so small they could fit our hands. Despite being preemies, they are both fighters and are over coming all the preemie ups and downs.